Wicked Witch Lilith

The existence of two principles in Man, the dark and the light sides, the animal and the divine, as well as their confrontation, is an obvious fact. In astrology, the symbol associated with the temptation and fall of Man is known as the Black Moon, or Lilith.
It is generally considered that the name LILITH comes from the Sumerian root lyl, meaning night. In ancient Babylonian texts, we find the mention of a male demon named Lyl-lu, who was seducing women during their sleep, and of his female counterpart, Lyl-li-tu, appearing to men in erotic dreams. This name was also often used to describe a group of female demons who came from the kingdom of darkness, and their actions were referred to as taking away of the light. Although Chaldean astrologers were already claiming there was a second Moon, an Invisible Moon, this astrological symbol is still scarcely known.
From the perspective of astronomy, Lilith is a fictitious planet, a non-material object. It is the farthest point from Earth in the lunar orbit, it is its apogee. The position of the apogee in the horoscope reveals the qualities of the soul which are subject to dark forces and are the most vulnerable to temptation. Be it a mania, an implicit or explicit obsession, it is pernicious and absolutely destructive for this individual.
Just like the Lunar Nodes, the Black Moon is a moment in the Moon’s orbit. But the Nodes bind the Earth-Moon system with the Sun, offering a possibility of reconciling the human will with the Divine will, whereas the Black Moon connects Man with the fallen spirits that subjugate his free will. If the Moon represents instinctive nature in general, the Black Moon represents the part of it which accentuates the dark animal origins in human beings and slows down their evolution.

The cycle of the Black Moon is of 9 years, and the number 9 is the number of Adam, of Man as collective being, not individual, of Man as a species. The numerological sum of the name Adam in Hebrew is equal to nine. The number of the Beast in the Book of Apocalypse, 666, also gives a total of nine (6 + 6 + 6 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9). Thus, the number 9 confirms the link of the Black Moon, as astrological symbol, with an animal origin inherent to Man, and which wakes up at times. The influence of Lilith is particularly heightened in years of age which are a multiple of 9: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81 years old… These are years of temptation, when it is very easy to fall from grace, but they are also years of awareness, when we can learn new forms of self-control. Around the age of 63, a person is expected to make a final choice between good and the evil, because in this year the cycles of the Black Moon and of the White Moon coincide with each other.
Thus, the Black Moon in the horoscope represents the deepest and oldest layers of the subconscious. Everything concerning the Black Moon has an incredible capacity of materializing itself, acting like a magnet in the external world and attracting events corresponding to its essence. Since Lilith acts from the darkest depths of the subconscious, the external reality is influenced without the conscious participation of the person. This goes in a direction opposite to that of his conscious intentions, and is thus seen as a fatality and can cause a lot of trouble.
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When captivated by the Black Moon, the subconscious inclinations, abilities and desires show a strong resistance. They are so deeply rooted in the psychic reality of a person, that they can only be noticed by those who are deliberately involved in self-knowledge and personal development. Sometimes, the desires of the Black Moon coincide with conscious human desires, which then contribute to their strengthening and materialization, inevitably leading one to spiritual downfall. In extreme cases, we can even speak of a conscious connection between a person and the powers of darkness, for example through the use of black magic.
With the majority of people, the influence of the Black Moon is not obvious. It is not with everybody that its impact shines in the daylight, that it is visible from the outside, and this is due to the fact that Lilith is part of our subconscious nature. Lilith’s problems affect the most intimate features of a person’s soul, something which she is not inclined to show to others, and often will not even admit to herself, going as far as actively denying the true state of things. However, the invisibility of Lilith’s influence does not mean it is weak, or that a person not showing signs of it is walking a strictly positive path!
Depending on the level of development of a person, on her ability to control herself, on the level of awareness and the degree of work she has done on herself, we observe three different levels of manifestation of the Black Moon.
It is an active level, when a person is attracted to dark deeds and their results satisfy her because she is nurtured and supported by Lilith. Such a dependence on the influence of Lilith is stronger than a person’s will and reason, and it goes against her life program. The person is attracted to the same temptations that have contributed to the accumulation of negative karma in her past life, and this can be deciphered in the position of Lilith in the sign of zodiac and in the house of the horoscope.
This is the path of confession and redemption, when as a punishment for misdeeds in a previous life, the person attracts negativity and is punished in the same way in which she has sinned. Accidents and unfortunate events follow each other in a logical chain of occurrences, something which has nothing to do with pure chance, irreversible and fatal situations are set up. But the person herself no longer gives in to temptation and knowingly gives up progressing in the direction of Lilith. At this level, a person must repent, i.t., deactivate the processes she had initiated in the previous life. The ancients believed that this path was the best because it offered the possibility to work on one’s karma and, after having suffered, to get out of the cycle of reincarnations.
At this level, the person has already paid her karmic debts, she makes a clear distinction between good and evil, she has a clear vision of what is objectively bad and is able to see evil and to avoid falling into the abyss, for she has acquired immunity against the temptations of evil. That kind of person therefore manages to keep evil away from her. This rejection of evil is based on the developed consciousness and independent thinking capacity that the person have acquired through the redemption of her sins.
An individual is born with the first or second level of manifestation of the Black Moon. It is believed that if a person died repentant, in the next incarnation she will be born already possessing the second level of the Black Moon. You can be born with the first level of manifestation of Lilith and pass to the second level by refraining from walking the path of evil. When a person is transformed spiritually, she passes to the third level. Nobody is born with the third level, although a person may very early, while still in her childhood, pass from the second level to the third. And even when the third level is achieved, we must remember that temptation always remains. The speed of the transition from the lowest to the highest level depends on the intensity of the spiritual work of the person, something which is not visible in the cosmogram or in the horoscope, as they belong to the sphere of free will.
The position of Lilith in a sign either reinforces negative traits of the sign, or weakens and deforms its positive traits. For example, the active impact of the Black Moon on a trait of initiative can make it degenerate into authoritarianism, and the tendency for introspection it can turn into paranoia or excessive self-love.
The liberation of the Divine Spark in Man is the goal of every incarnation. An earthly incarnation is a testing ground for the essence of a person, and knowing what are her weaknesses and possible temptations, according to the Black Moon, she can resist them better, avoid being their slave and through this, achieve liberation.
Attention!!! If your birthday in on the border of two signs, you have to confirm the time of your birth and the position of Lilith in a sign a this moment. Click on the sign to read the interpretation.
14.02.1930 – 09.11.1930 | Aquarius | 12.05.1974 – 05.02.1975 | Aquarius |
10.11.1930 – 06.08.1931 | Pisces | 05.02.1975 – 31.10.1975 | Pisces |
06.08.1931 – 02.05.1932 | Aries | 31.10.1975 – 26.07.1976 | Aries |
03.05.1932 – 26.01.1933 | Taurus | 27.07.1976 – 23.04.1977 | Taurus |
27.01.1933 – 21.10.1933 | Gemini | 24.04.1977 – 16.01.1978 | Gemini |
22.10.1933 – 18.07.1934 | Cancer | 16.01.1978 – 12.10.1978 | Cancer |
19.07.1934 – 14.04.1935 | Leo | 12.10.1978 – 08.07.1979 | Leo |
15.04.1935 – 09.01.1936 | Virgo | 09.07.1979 – 04.04.1980 | Virgo |
09.01.1936 – 02.10.1936 | Libra | 05.04.1980 – 29.12.1980 | Libra |
03.10.1936 – 29.06.1937 | Scorpio | 30.12.1980 – 23.09.1981 | Scorpio |
30.06.1937 – 27.03.1938 | Sagittarius | 24.09.1981 – 20.06.1982 | Sagittarius |
27.03.1938 – 20.12.1938 | Capricorn | 20.06.1982 – 17.03.1983 | Capricorn |
21.12.1938 – 14.09.1939 | Aquarius | 18.03.1983 – 11.12.1983 | Aquarius |
15.09.1939 – 10.06.1940 | Pisces | 12.12.1983 – 04.09.1984 | Pisces |
11.06.1940 – 07.03.1941 | Aries | 05.09.1984 – 31.05.1985 | Aries |
08.03.1941 – 01.12.1941 | Taurus | 01.06.1985 – 26.02.1986 | Taurus |
03.12.1941 – 26.08.1942 | Gemini | 27.02.1986 – 22.11.1986 | Gemini |
27.08.1942 – 23.05.1943 | Cancer | 23.11.1986 – 17.08.1987 | Cancer |
24.05.1943 – 18.02.1944 | Leo | 18.08.1987 – 13.05.1988 | Leo |
19.02.1944 – 13.11.1944 | Virgo | 14.05.1988 – 07.02.1989 | Virgo |
14.11.1944 – 08.08.1945 | Libra | 08.02.1989 – 04.11.1989 | Libra |
09.08.1945 – 04.05.1946 | Scorpio | 04.11.1989 – 30.07.1990 | Scorpio |
05.05.1946 – 30.01.1947 | Sagittarius | 30.07.1990 – 25.04.1991 | Sagittarius |
30.01.1947 – 26.10.1947 | Capricorn | 26.04.1991 – 21.01.1992 | Capricorn |
27.10.1947 – 20.07.1948 | Aquarius | 21.01.1992 – 16.10.1992 | Aquarius |
21.07.1948 – 15.04.1949 | Pisces | 17.10.1992 – 11.07.1993 | Pisces |
16.04.1949 – 11.01.1950 | Aries | 11.07.1993 – 06.04.1994 | Aries |
12.01.1950 – 07.10.1950 | Taurus | 07.04.1994 – 01.01.1995 | Taurus |
08.10.1950 – 02.07.1951 | Gemini | 02.01.1995 – 29.09.1995 | Gemini |
03.07.1951 – 27.03.1952 | Cancer | 29.09.1995 – 22.06.1996 | Cancer |
28.03.1952 – 23.12.1952 | Leo | 23.06.1996 – 18.03.1997 | Leo |
24.12.1952 – 18.09.1953 | Virgo | 19.03.1997 – 14.12.1997 | Virgo |
19.09.1953 – 13.06.1954 | Libra | 14.12.1997 – 10.09.1998 | Libra |
14.06.1954 – 10.03.1955 | Scorpio | 10.09.1998 – 05.06.1999 | Scorpio |
10.03.1955 – 05.12.1955 | Sagittarius | 05.06.1999 – 28.02.2000 | Sagittarius |
06.12.1955 – 31.08.1956 | Capricorn | 29.02.2000 – 25.11.2000 | Capricorn |
01.09.1956 – 26.05.1957 | Aquarius | 26.11.2000 – 22.08.2001 | Aquarius |
27.05.1957 – 19.02.1958 | Pisces | 22.08.2001 – 17.05.2002 | Pisces |
19.02.1958 – 16.11.1958 | Aries | 17.05.2002 – 09.02.2003 | Aries |
17.11.1958 – 13.08.1959 | Taurus | 10.02.2003 – 07.11.2003 | Taurus |
14.08.1959 – 07.05.1960 | Gemini | 08.11.2003 – 03.08.2004 | Gemini |
08.05.1960 – 30.01.1961 | Cancer | 04.08.2004 – 28.04.2005 | Cancer |
31.01.1961 – 28.10.1961 | Leo | 29.04.2005 – 21.01.2006 | Leo |
29.10.1961 – 25.07.1962 | Virgo | 22.01.2006 – 19.10.2006 | Virgo |
26.07.1962 – 19.04.1963 | Libra | 20.10.2006 – 16.07.2007 | Libra |
20.04.1963 – 13.01.1964 | Scorpio | 17.07.2007 – 09.04.2008 | Scorpio |
14.01.1964 – 09.10.1964 | Sagittarius | 10.04.2008 – 03.01.2009 | Sagittarius |
10.10.1964 – 07.07.1965 | Capricorn | 03.01.2009 – 30.09.2009 | Capricorn |
07.07.1965 – 01.04.1966 | Aquarius | 01.10.2009 – 27.06.2010 | Aquarius |
01.04.1966 – 25.12.1966 | Pisces | 28.06.2010 – 22.03.2011 | Pisces |
26.12.1966 – 21.09.1967 | Aries | 23.03.2011 – 16.12.2011 | Aries |
22.09.1967 – 17.06.1968 | Taurus | 16.12.2011 – 11.09.2012 | Taurus |
18.06.1968 – 13.03.1969 | Gemini | 12.09.2012 – 09.06.2013 | Gemini |
13.03.1969 – 06.12.1969 | Cancer | 09.06.2013 – 03.03.2014 | Cancer |
07.12.1969 – 02.09.1970 | Leo | 04.03.2014 – 27.11.2014 | Leo |
03.09.1970 – 31.05.1971 | Virgo | 28.11.2014 – 24.08.2015 | Virgo |
31.05.1971 – 23.02.1972 | Libra | 25.08.2015 – 21.05.2016 | Libra |
24.02.1972 – 17.11.1972 | Scorpio | 21.05.2016 – 13.02.2017 | Scorpio |
18.11.1972 – 14.08.1973 | Sagittarius | 14.02.2017 – 08.11.2017 | Sagittarius |
15.08.1973 – 12.05.1974 | Capricorn | 09.11.2017 – 07.08.2018 | Capricorn |
The symbolism of the Black Moon described above is very generic and does not take into consideration the position of Lilith in houses, of its aspects to the real planets and the angles of the horoscope. A deeper interpretation has to be in relation with the overall picture of your birth chart and your life. If you want to understand your personality better, to understand the underlying processes that influence your destiny, to be aware of the true causes of the events happening around you, know that it can be done effectively through an analysis of your birth chart during a personal astrological consultation.