The Lunar Nodes in the Signs of the Zodiac

The Ouroboros (from the ancient Greek οὐροβόρος of οὐρά “tail” and βορός “devouring”, literally “devouring [its] tail”), the serpent-like dragon which is coiled on itself and bites its own tail, is one of the oldest symbols used in religions, magic, alchemy, mythology and psychology.
The Ouroboros is a gnostic symbol that represents infinity, cyclical time and continuity in the process of life, the cycles of loss and restoring of integrity, the strength that always exhausts and recovers itself, truth and knowledge… All these meanings in one symbol.
In Hinduism, the Ouroboros is associated with the wheel of Samsara, which symbolizes the consecutive rebirths. The doctrine of reincarnation implies that when the intangible origin of an individual is tied to a new body after the decomposition of its previous structure of incarnation, it retains the mental faculties and the assets corresponding to the results of the previous existence, in accordance with the “law of karma”. This law, as the image of suffering, is not an inherent quality, but is rather a consequence of a free choice of Man in favor of evil, resulting in many punishments and repeated incarnations. Therefore, Hindu philosophers argue that it is possible to stop the wheel of Samsara through “liberation”.
The Dragon sometimes gets the tail out of his mouth, and sometimes swallows it further down, as if he was playing with Man by reducing his margin for maneuver, a person’s life being confined between the rings of the Dragon’s body. To unchain these rings and to pass through their connecting link – between the head and tail of the Dragon – is the ultimate purpose of every being.
The Aries / Libra axis is the axis of identity and its goal is to learn to develop the awareness of one’s individuality in the context of relationships with others. The Aries as well as the Libra are looking for opportunities to express themselves as much as possible and to gain understanding of their personality. If the Aries asserts himself in the expression of his own individuality, the Libra defines herself as a person when she is building relationships with others.
The role of the Aries is to undertake action, to be a pioneer, to create something new. He is a bulldozer and his task is to break down walls and to erase all boundaries in order to pursue evolution. As a leader, he does not appreciate to be limited by others, and because he focuses on self-expression he is often unaware of the presence of other people and of the impact his actions can have on them.
It is natural for the Libra to take the existence of other people into consideration, something that the Aries is seldom able to do. The Libra strives to maintain harmony and balance through all the aspects of personal relationships. Charming, diplomatic, artistic, objective and impartial, a Libra is always ready to cooperate. The biggest problem of the Libra is a tendency to be unable to take responsibility for her actions and to wish to preserve peace at any cost, sacrificing personal boundaries and needs for the sake of avoiding a conflict.
The Aries / Libra axis teaches us to develop our own identity, to set the right personal boundaries, while maintaining healthy relationships with others. Our goal is to understand to what extent we should be selfish and think about our own needs and desires, and when we should rather reach compromises with others.
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The South Node in Aries / The North Node in Libra
In this position of the Nodes, expressing one’s individuality comes naturally; it’s easy for this person to show determination, leadership and passion for life. The trap: deafness to the needs and boundaries of others. The goal: to move towards the North Node in Libra and learn how to establish harmonious relationships with others, something which will actually strengthen the person’s sense of individuality. She will also need to learn the courage to take responsibility for her actions.
11.09.1939 – 24.05.1941
16.06.1958 – 15.12.1959
07.01.1977 – 05.07.1978
31.07.1995 – 24.01.1997
18.02.2014 – 12.11.2015
The South Node in Libra / The North Node in Aries
The South Node in Libra brings the gift of balance, harmony, beauty, as well as an understanding of the value of the finest moments in a relationship. The trap: the tendency to maintain harmony at any cost, to repress any need of our own that could harm a relationship. The goal: by working on the North Node in Aries, to explore and to express our individuality while remaining mindful of the dynamics at play in interpersonal relationships, thus maintaining a healthy balance.
07.07.1930 – 28.12.1931
26.01.1949 – 26.07.1950
19.08.1967 – 19.04.1969
09.05.1986 – 02.12.1987
26.12.2004 – 21.06.2006
The Taurus / Scorpio axis is associated with the universal cycle of birth and death, of growth and destruction. The objective of this axis is to learn to trust the natural cycles of life, to open ourselves to change when it’s needed. People of both signs care about establishing and preserving their intrinsic value: the Taurus does it on the material and physical levels and represents the constructive side of the axis; the Scorpio is trying to cultivate the emotional and spiritual levels by destroying the physical boundaries, even if he needs them more than any other. He therefore represents the destructive side of the axis.
The Taurus strengthens his sense of identity through the physical, using the five senses and all forms of interactions with the material plane. But if the Taurus focuses too much on the material and the pragmatic, things which were first helping him define his personality could easily turn into obstacles and boundaries to his evolution.
The goal of the Scorpio is to destroy the illusions and concepts that were used in the formation of his individual personality, which is why he seeks to strengthen his emotional and spiritual value through deep, transformative connections with others. But, similar in this aspect to the Taurus, the Scorpio can also lose his way, tormented by obsession of perpetual destruction and transformation.
Genuine growth is cyclical, and in order to be able to pursue it, a certain part of us must die. The Taurus / Scorpio axis shows us how to complete this cycle: by recognizing the favorable period for taking root and prioritizing inner growth; and recognizing when the time for harvest has come, the time to pick the fruits of our own actions.
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The South Node in Taurus / The North Node in Scorpio
The gift of the South Node in Taurus is the ability to lay strong foundations, to build on them slowly and steadily, keeping stability in mind. The purpose of this process is to create a holistic awareness of our own identity. The trap: the person tends to attach herself too tightly to the illusory order and is extremely resistant to change, even scared of it. This is because she feels such a strong need for clear boundaries. The goal: learn not to be afraid of radical change and deep transformation, to allow some parts of herself to die in order to make room for opportunities of growth.
03.03.1938 – 11.09.1939
04.10.1956 – 16.06.1958
10.07.1975 – 07.01.1977
01.02.1994 – 31.07.1995
30.08.2012 – 18.02.2014
The South Node in Scorpio / The North Node in Taurus
A predisposition for transformation, for spirituality, for healing, as well as the knowledge of the process of death: these are the gifts of the South Node in Scorpio. The trap: the person is so captivated by change that she provokes it herself, sometimes when not needed or even harmful. The goal: to move on in the direction of the North Node in Taurus, i.e. to learn how to take roots, how to plant seeds, to start new constructions, all the while keeping a detached attitude towards the present state of things.
28.12.1928 – 08.07.1930
02.08.1947 – 26.01.1949
19.02.1966 – 19.08.1967
11.09.1984 – 09.05.1986
13.04.2003 – 26.12.2004
18.01.2022 – 17.07.2023
The Gemini / Sagittarius axis is the axis of the mental and its goal is to learn to balance the lower and the higher mind. The Gemini explores the world, collects information, establishes contacts, while the Sagittarius tends to look for a unique concept, a supreme truth.
The role of the Gemini is to study his environment, to reunite what was separated. They have a knack for all types of languages and tools of communication, and they have an insatiable curiosity. The Gemini explores both sides of any situation, comparing the opposite elements. It reflects the duality inherent to this sign. But the Gemini often lack the concentration and attention necessary to put things in perspective and see the big picture.
The Sagittarius, for his part, is only concerned with the big picture. Concentrating his energy in one point, he is entirely devoted to a quest for the absolute truth in the theoretical, philosophical, spiritual and theological fields. The Sagittarius wants to bring an end to duality by reuniting opposites. He risks unintentionally hurting the feelings of other people, who may have personal convictions and different ideas about truth. He also risks becoming obsessed with finding the universal truth, convinced that the goal always justifies the means.
The Gemini / Sagittarius axis teaches us how to maintain our curiosity and flexibility, guided by a higher consciousness and philosophy. It teaches us the importance of communicating with ourselves and others without forgetting the quest for universal truths.
The South Node in Gemini / The North Node in Sagittarius
The gift of the South Node in Gemini is a thirst for knowledge of the world, a sharp mind, open to all sorts of new ideas, an enthusiasm for variety and new concepts. The trap: a lack of focus and a certain difficulty in compiling information, which can lead the person into a type of behavior about which can be said: ”she tries everything but cannot complete anything”. The goal: to learn how to gather information and organize it, to look for that which reunites dualities. If he cooperates with Sagittarius, the Gemini will be able to draw from a well of information an understanding of the working of the Universe, as well as an understanding of our place in it on a larger scale.
14.09.1936 – 03.03.1938
02.04.1955 – 04.10.1956
27.10.1973 – 10.07.1975
01.08.1992 – 01.02.1994
03.03.2011 – 30.08.2012
The South Node in Sagittarius / The North Node in Gemini
The gift of the South Node in Sagittarius is the understanding of the relationship between the Universe and society, a very strong system of beliefs and a philosophy of life that helps one express his personality. The trap: if the person clings too strongly to her beliefs and does not accept other people’s opinions, she risks developing the ”I am more pious than you” type of attitude and the tendency described as ”she talks, she talks, but doesn’t do anything”. The goal of the person in this configuration of the Nodes is to learn to share general information in the way the Gemini does it so well, and to apply the strong beliefs of the Sagittarius to everyday life and to her environment. She will then discover that the absolute truth has many different manifestations.
16.04.1927 – 28.12.1928
03.12.1945 – 02.08.1947
25.08.1964 – 19.02.1966
16.03.1983 – 11.09.1984
13.10.2001 – 13.04.2003
05.05.2020 – 18.01.2022
The Cancer / Capricorn axis is the axis of responsibility and its goal is to learn to take care of ourselves while taking care of others, something which can take the form of duties towards family and society. The Cancer wants to be reassured that he will receive care and safety while satisfying his emotional needs in the field of his personal and familial responsibilities. The Capricorn also looks for security and support, but through social order and rule of law, thus focusing on fulfilling his professional duties. Both signs are in search of a balance between egotism and selflessness.
The Cancer is looking for emotional and spiritual connections through care for others. This is how he satisfies his personal psychological needs. If he becomes too absorbed in caring for others, he can become extremely dependent and in the end feel quite unhappy; that or he can turn into an eternal protector, giving everything but afraid of receiving anything in return.
The earth sign of the Capricorn is more concerned about the needs of society and acts on the material and concrete levels, motivated by physical and material order. He is convinced that he will satisfy his own material needs if he assumes responsibility towards the protection of social order. But in cases when the Capricorn ends up thinking about personal ambition more than duty, he will tend to use power for his own personal ends.
The Cancer-Capricorn axis teaches us how to find balance between our familial duties and our social responsibilities. It also teaches us to understand that when we cannot help ourselves, we cannot expect help from others. And by helping others, we also show them how to take responsibility for their own lives.

The South Node in Cancer / The North Node in Capricorn
The gift of the South Node in Cancer is compassion, warmth, sympathy, ability to care about and to communicate with others. The trap: the person can fall into a pattern of excessive dependence on others on the emotional level, always demanding support and attention. Or she can go the other extreme: taking the role of the eternal benefactor, helping and taking care of everyone, even when she’s not asked to do so. The goal: to learn self-reliance and personal responsibility, while maintaining openness and accessibility on an emotional level. Working on the North Node in Capricorn, we learn to think about our own needs and to be responsible for our lives, as a result becoming less dependent on the opinion and energy of others.
09.10.1953 – 02.04.1955
27.04.1972 – 27.10.1973
18.11.1990 – 01.08.1992
21.08.2009 – 03.03.2011
The South Node in Capricorn / The North Node in Cancer
The South Node in Capricorn provides one with a strong sense of self-sufficiency, of personal responsibility, of pragmatism, as well as an ability to manifest desires and ideas. The trap: a person is convinced that to depend on the help of others and on emotional ties in general is a sign of weakness. The person immerse herself into her work, puts her career in front of her personal needs and ends up consuming a lot of time and energy, leaving none for her personal life. The goal: when working on the North Node in Cancer, we need to learn to let go, to tear down some walls, and to open our heart to emotional connections, also letting others take care of us.
26.10.1925 – 16.04.1927
11.05.1944 – 03.12.1945
23.12.1962 – 25.08.1964
20.09.1981 – 16.03.1983
09.04.2000 – 13.10.2001
06.11.2018 – 05.05.2020
The Leo / Aquarius axis is the axis of group dynamics and its goal is to learn to find a balance between aiming for an outstanding position in a team and cultivating equality between all of its members. The Leo and the Aquarius are both able to perceive and express unconditional love, but the Leo lives it on the level of the heart, in a personalized manner, while the Aquarius experiences it on a more abstract and intellectual level, showing compassion for humanity as a whole. The lesson of the Leo-Aquarius axis is to achieve unconditional love, something which is possible through a balance between the heart and the mind.
The Leo is open and generous, he wants to share his unique personality with others and to get the place he deserves in a group. He’s really generous of himself, revealing his heart, and because of that he expects to receive love and recognition in return. But the Leo can become dependent on this recognition and attention, his desire to shine and give warmth to people then transforming into a need to constantly be under the spotlights. It’s in these situations that the generosity of the Leo becomes extremely interested.
The energy of the Aquarius is of a particularly social orientation, as he identifies himself with his team as if it was a unified whole. He puts the needs of the team above his own and strives to make sure that the structure and the laws of society can ensure a high level of freedom to its members. The Aquarius sincerely believes that all people are created equal and deserve the life that they make for themselves, but he often forgets that every person is different. Therefore, in spite of his immense love for humanity, the Aquarius may have difficulties in his interactions with people.
When working with the Leo / Aquarius axis we learn to show unconditional love through the balance of two approaches: the interaction with people on an individual level and as unified teams and collectives. Any individual approach should be balanced by a universal form of love and the recognition of an equal status for everyone.
The South Node in Leo / The North Node in Aquarius
The gift of the South Node in Leo is the ability to share with others, to open one’s heart, to manifest love. Here we can find huge stocks of creative authenticity, of courage, of self-confidence. The trap: an excessive dependence on the recognition of his own uniqueness, capacity for love and generosity. The Leo’s need to be the center of attention may become unhealthy, which will lead to a selfish behavior, to pride and childishness. The goal: using the energy of the Aquarius, to shift part of his focus on his own person towards group dynamics, thus realizing that becoming the member of a team does not mean a loss of individuality. It is in fact quite the opposite: each individual contributes in his own way to the achievement of common objectives.
24.06.1933 – 08.03.1935
28.03.1952 – 09.10.1953
02.11.1970 – 27.04.1972
22.05.1989 – 18.11.1990
18.12.2007 – 21.08.2009
The South Node in Aquarius / The North Node in Leo
The South Node in Aquarius brings the gift of personal freedom and tolerance towards others, as well as a dedication to humanity. The Aquarius is always ready to participate in changing and improving the world for everyone’s benefit, having an ability to identify the main needs of a society. The trap: the person allows her head to control her heart and gets her attention absorbed exclusively by abstractions and idealism. She then becomes convinced that the general good is more important than the good of individuals and it may then be difficult for her to show compassion to a particular individual. The goal: to learn from the Leo how to act according to the heart, to understand that every member of a team is unique and deserves recognition, to keep in mind that they are all equals.
22.04.1924 – 26.10.1925
21.11.1942 – 11.05.1944
10.06.1961 – 23.12.1962
05.01.1980 – 20.09.1981
20.10.1998 – 09.04.2000
The Virgo / Pisces axis is the axis of the interaction between spirit and matter. Its goal is to reach harmony between separation and fusion. Both signs look for healing and completion, but the Virgo works on the physical level while the Pisces operates on the spiritual level. A person comes into the world again and again in a continuous quest for balance between the physical world and true spirituality. Therefore, our task is to discover how to empower matter with spirit and how to connect spirit with matter.
The Virgo improves the Universe in its physical aspects through knowledge, analysis, and an ability to adapt. In her endless quest for perfection she relies on her analytical skills and her sense for details in order to satisfy her desire to serve the greater good. But if she does not keep in mind that perfection is not only in the result but also in the process, if she falls into excessive criticism towards herself and others, she will then lose her overall perspective, something which will be of great hindrance to this same process of improvement.
Pisces are searching for perfection and the healing of the spirit, willing to merge with the cosmic consciousness and Creation as a whole. They are in search of the highest spiritual truth, they push back boundaries and transcend negative emotions and pain. However, Pisces tend to be too engrossed in the spiritual realms and to neglect the physical world. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult for them to act with full responsibility. Pisces can easily become victims or martyrs, when they become attached to suffering, thinking of it as a mean for spiritual evolution.
The South Node in Virgo / The North Node in Pisces
The gift of the South Node in Virgo is a rigorous analytical mind, the ability to separate and evaluate, it is an understanding of the material world, it is the skills necessary for perfecting the world for the benefit of everyone. The trap: the tendency to focus only on the physical and to indulge in excessive criticism, as well as in an exclusively logical and deductive approach to the world. When the person’s tendency to help others is aimed towards a validation of her own knowledge and skills, she eventually will be left with a feeling of emptiness as a result. The goal: through the Node in Pisces, learn to see the world not only in the variety of its aspects, but as an interconnected whole, to be open to a higher spiritual connection, to compassion, to all-forgiveness and to a less critical approach. Behind any goal on the physical level there must be the highest spiritual goal.
28.12.1931 – 24.06.1933
26.07.1950 – 28.03.1952
19.04.1969 – 02.11.1970
02.12.1987 – 22.05.1989
22.06.2006 – 18.12.2007
The South Node in Pisces / The North Node in Virgo
The gift of the South Node in Pisces is compassion, spirituality, the ability to heal and transform pain and to understand the ways in which we are all connected to each other. The trap: a person tries to use spirituality to avoid necessary lessons and the responsibilities that accompany our life in the physical body. This comes from a desire to take on the role of a victim and a martyr, isolating oneself in mysticism and spiritualism. The goal: to face the physical world, to improve/perfect it through compassion, healing, spirituality, all of which are methods which can become real practical means, if we move in the direction of the North Node in Virgo.
24.05.1941 – 21.11.1942
15.12.1959 – 10.06.1961
05.07.1978 – 05.01.1980
24.01.1997 – 20.10.1998
12.11.2015 – 09.05.2017