Location Astrology

AstroCartoGraphy (A*C*G) is a revolutionary astrological technique that shows astrological influences in every part of the globe. In this technique, the positions of planets in the horoscope is projected onto the map of the world in the form of planetary lines.
What is the advantage of Astrocartography over the conventional birth chart? The birth horoscope reflects the personality of the individual, her traits of character and the areas of life in which these energies will manifest. In principle, we cannot change our horoscope, but we do have freedom of choice on the place where we live. The birth horoscope is only valid for the place where a person was born, and life can be substantially changed if one moves to another location.
In the XIXth century, people did not have the means of communication that we take for granted in the modern world: there was no satellite, no cable TV, no Internet, no planes. Also, traveling over a long distance took a long time and visiting various distant places around the world was impossible for most people. Most people lived where they were born, and they only traveled short distances. Since remote places were not playing an important role for these people, astrologers did not feel the need to study the planetary influences on a person during a long trip.
In the XXth century, thanks to revolutionary changes in means of communication, people make daily use of satellite TV, they communicate with people on the other side of the planet through Internet, and they can visit many countries, reaching them in a mere couple hours. In this context, astrologers began to study the astrological influences by which a person is affected in different places other than her place of birth.

The Origin of Astrocartography
The American astrologer Jim Lewis had been working for five years on the conventional astrological charts, improving his skills in their interpretation. One day, a friend who was a medium told him that he should correct some old misconceptions in astrology in order to move forward. Jim Lewis had always been interested in traveling, he had visited more than forty countries, and this experience shown him that he was behaving differently when in different places of the world. In 1975, Jim Lewis began working with relocation charts (astrological charts taking into account the relocation from the place where a person was born to the place she now lived in) and he came to the conclusion that his personal experience in different locations could be explained astrologically.
Astrocartography answers all the questions that imply the three components what, where or from where and when.
After a while, Jim Lewis came to the idea that the information obtained from these relocation charts could be better represented as lines on the world map, something that would eliminate the need to draw a new chart for each location. The first chart that Jim Lewis created was his own. He then started drawing more of the same type, which required complex calculations, exclusively for a small number of customers, all passionate about travels. Friends offered Jim their help, putting him in contact with a programmer, and a year later the first computer program drawing planetary lines on the map of the world was born. Thus emerged Astrocartography. A follower of Jim Lewis, a German astrologer named David Meadows, also made a huge contribution to the development of A*C*G techniques.
The Use of Astrocartography
Astrocartography techniques are an integral part of all my astrological services. For example, working on General analysis of love relationships, I attach an A*C*G chart with geographic locations and time periods (covering the desired duration) for a romantic encounter, a successful marriage, and for the improving of the personal life in general. Another example: in the Career choice service, I indicate the locations and directions where you might expect success in your career, the emergence of interesting proposals, and I also give advice on the choice of a school / university abroad.