Lilith in the Water Signs

The position of the Black Moon in a birth chart shows the dark side of one’s personality, a side that exists in every person, even if each one manifests it with her own nuances. This is the side of a personality that will inevitably lead the person to her downfall if she feeds it and indulges in it. It contains the temptations lurking at a deep level in our subconscious, as well as our attraction for reprehensible actions, on a moral as well as on an ethically level, all of which that can eventually lead to the destruction of our personality. Lilith is not capable of bringing us happiness, as she is not able to trigger real-life events as the real planets do; her impact is exerted on the psyche, on our passions and on the deepest of our desires. The Black Moon generates an astral vortex that arouse emotions and strong desires, blurring awareness and preventing us from controlling or regulating its influence.
The position of Lilith in our horoscope also shows what type of people, amongst those we meet on our path, will play provocative roles in our lives, or even be our enemies. All these roles are meant to help us in our evolution, which is why it is much better not to hold grudges against the people who have to play them. They are imposed to them in spite of their own will and it is better for us to focus on the negative manifestations of Lilith in our own psyche as well as on its effects on our own behavior, according to her position in our horoscope. If these negative events are understood and if the necessary efforts are made, no further provocation will frighten us. Lilith is also associated with the worst human sin, suicide, which is probably the extreme consequence of all passions when they are pursued relentlessly. But the choice still belongs to the individual, and Lilith is powerless against the will of a person who sees her for what she is and decides to oppose her.
Lilith in Cancer

22.10.1933 – 18.07.1934 16.01.1978 – 12.10.1978
27.08.1942 – 23.05.1943 23.11.1986 – 17.08.1987
03.07.1951 – 27.03.1952 29.09.1995 – 22.06.1996
08.05.1960 – 30.01.1961 04.08.2004 – 28.04.2005
13.03.1969 – 06.12.1969 09.06.2013 – 03.03.2014
The person demands exclusive personal relationships and very specific conditions in her domestic life, playing the role of a fragile creature, miserable and oppressed, simply unable to care for herself without the help of others. This can also be manifested by a desire to make other people feel miserable and oppressed themselves, by a desire to play with the subtleties of emotional experiences, always pushing others towards honesty and confidence. The person tends to be anxious, fickle and intrusive, depending on her mood and circumstances.
The provocative roles are played by the immediate family as well as by older women; by both parents but more often by the mother.
The inferior level
The person is the carrier of a deep and hidden evil, knows how to conceal her bad intentions, and for that reason is particularly dangerous. She’s always looking to satisfy some secretive whim. She knows the weaknesses of others as well as how to win their trust. This is the karma of a traitor of the homeland or of his own parents, the karma of a profanator of traditions and of tombs. In past lives, the person was a coward or a vile being, someone who reviled the idea of maternity itself, an opportunist or a selfish individualist, hiding in his own shell. The person is now strongly tempted by treachery, blasphemy and the contempt of traditions, as well as the desecration of sacred places.
The intermediate level
The person faces difficulties in gaining recognition in her own country, the walls of her own house weight on her head and she faces troubles in her home. The worst things in her life come from the ones closest to her, who do not understand her or even end up becoming her enemies. The people she meets often seek access to her inner world in order to hurt her in the most sensitive spot. In her past incarnations, the person did not fulfill her duty towards her family or her country, that or she did not fulfill it honestly; she got detached from her roots. Therefore, in this incarnation she may be forced to wander or to be homeless; she may be expelled from her childhood home, be expatriated or be compelled, for various reasons, to leave her native land. She is haunted by phobias, obsessions or by the Oedipus complex. The danger, for her, comes from water – ranging from a flood ravaging her house to poisonings by liquid or drowning. The person has to go through all this without becoming embittered, remaining truly human despite the trials she must face.
The superior level
At this level, the person has a perfectly harmonious relation with her parents. She has a flair, an intuition that enables her to unmask traitors, cowards, snatchers and people with an impure soul and bad intentions. In past lives, the person went victorious in the struggle with her inner vices, she refused the desecration of national ideas and, consequently, in the current incarnation she bears the karma of her nation, purifying the cultural and spiritual traditions of her people from the dirt they could have accumulated, finding perfect balance between national pride and internationalism. At this level, the person acquires the ability to easily adapt to every circumstance and to understand how she should behave in order to feel at home wherever she is.
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Lilith in Scorpio

03.10.1936 – 29.06.1937 30.12.1980 – 23.09.1981
09.08.1945 – 04.05.1946 04.11.1989 – 30.07.1990
14.06.1954 – 10.03.1955 10.09.1998 – 05.06.1999
20.04.1963 – 13.01.1964 17.07.2007 – 09.04.2008
24.02.1972 – 17.11.1972 21.05.2016 – 13.02.2017
The person tries to compel others to satisfy her exacerbated desires by bringing the emotional climate to its breaking point, because the peaceful solution simply never seems to interest her. She has an unconscious tendency to manipulate others just for pleasure, using her strength and power. She has a penchant for thrills, for excess when judging other people’s character and for making scenes. She shows sensuality in her instincts, an attraction for magic and for the occult and a weakness for vices. She can act as a cunning manipulator, nasty and terrible.
The provocative roles are played by people of artistic or dangerous occupations, as well as by occultists of all kind.
The lower level
The person embodies the most obscene vices, maintains a connection with the underworld and is connected to dark egregores. She causes suffering to other people and is extremely cruel. This is the karma of a rapist, a sadist, a criminal, a sexual maniac, the head of the Mafia or a person who committed suicide. In a previous life, the person succumbed to all vices, hated and took revenge on everyone, granting herself complete license. She might have been a black magician, consciously using cosmic law for dark purposes. In the current incarnation the person is dominated by her instincts, absorbs every vice and ulcer of society and is attracted to drinking binges, debauchery and various sexual perversions. She may for example have a strong penchant for sadomasochism.
The intermediate level
Life presents itself to this person in its most scabrous aspects. She can receive hatred and suffer vengeance from others and is surrounded by weak creatures, blackmailers who harass her secretly and for a long time, or by insane and crazy people. In her latest incarnation, the person must have committed a crime or succumbed to the dark side of her nature. In this life, she can be the victim of violence, of a murder, of the evil eye, black magic, or can fall under the influence of the Mafia. A fatal passion, or love in general, can endanger her. She is haunted by the fear of death, a fear of sexual predators and by suicidal thoughts. For women, this is often reflected by the fear of getting raped. The danger for that person comes from criminals, thieves and rapists. There is a risk of drowning, in being exposed to explosions and she particularly should avoid working as a sapper. The person should firmly resist all temptations and remember that all her misfortunes are deserved.
The superior level
At this level, the person easily discerns the dark side of things, the hidden channels through which evil is spread. In past lives she came in contact with the essence of evil, she led the fight against the dark forces on their own ground and overcame many temptations. Now, battling the demonic origins hidden in the inner nature of Man, she attracts the cosmic energies and becomes a direct participant of global planetary processes. At this level, the person has the ability to arrange words and to captivate an audience, or she possesses the gift of inspiring others to great achievements with the mere strength of a gesture.
Lilith in Pisces

10.11.1930 – 06.08.1931 05.02.1975 – 31.10.1975
15.09.1939 – 10.06.1940 12.12.1983 – 04.09.1984
21.07.1948 – 15.04.1949 17.10.1992 – 11.07.1993
27.05.1957 – 19.02.1958 22.08.2001 – 17.05.2002
01.04.1966 – 25.12.1966 28.06.2010 – 22.03.2011
The person does not distinguish between dream and reality and believes in things of her own invention, existing only in her fantasies. She obsessively clings to her ideas, even manically so, and imposes them to her entourage as revelations, as great truths. She has a talent for conspiracy and is able to hide her true intentions, to create illusions, to deceive, to charm, to throw dust into people’s eyes and to reach her goals through subterfuge. This is a person who can show inconsistency, a penchant for hysteria, a tendency to complicate and confuse, and a strong interest in the dark side of life and secret vices. She often acts like a sage or a prophet.
The provocative roles are played by people who may seem indispensable.
The inferior level
The person often completely loses control over her actions and has a penchant for mystification and nonsense. She has a rich sexual imagination and is connected to the dark egregore, trying to find pleasure at all costs. This is the karma of an alcoholic, an addict, a spy, a blackmailer, a secret criminal, a dark sorcerer. In a previous life, the person has been an ideologue, a mage who was manipulating the psyche of people, abusing the power of hypnosis, a liar, a reporter, and perhaps was she even a member in a secret organization of satanic allegiance. In the current incarnation, she is subject to every bad habit, to suggestion, to illusions and may suffer from mental illness, insanity or delirium tremens.
The intermediate level
The person may become miserable, poor and helpless, drifting and living on illusions and superstitions. She can be a victim of hypnosis, suggestion, blackmail and her secret enemies can prepare a revenge. In the previous incarnation, the person was charged with an ugly secret mission, spied, spread gossips and rumors and induced others into error. Perhaps she maintained a relationship with sects or was using occult or musical gifts at the expense of others. In this life, the person is constantly confronted with obscure and confused situations, suffers from unsubstantiated fears and psychosis, and can end up isolated from other people, for example hospitalized or imprisoned. The danger for her comes from nuclear explosions and radiation, poisoning by noxious liquids, drowning and alcohol. She should beware of the company of vicious people, of secret enemies and secret societies, as well as of revenge.
The superior level
At this level the person easily recognizes all her secret enemies, as well as vengeful people and manipulators. In a previous life, she knew all the nuances of the dark side of life and was initiated into the secret knowledge but did not use it to the detriment of anyone. The person acquired immunity against drug addiction, alcoholism and secret vices. She is now prudent with hypnosis, turns away from the occult black arts and fights her own illusions and fears, analyzing the reasons of her own actions. The mission of this person is to fight against pseudo-religions, sects and negativity in the arts. At this level, the person becomes a resident of both worlds – the real and the metaphysical – and acquires the ability to transform what is the fairy tale of one person into a reality for many.