Lilith in the Fire Signs

The position of the Black Moon in a birth chart shows the dark side of one’s personality, a side that exists in every person, even if each one manifests it with her own nuances. This is the side of a personality that will inevitably lead the person to her downfall if she feeds it and indulges in it. It contains the temptations lurking at a deep level in our subconscious, as well as our attraction for reprehensible actions, on a moral as well as on an ethically level, all of which that can eventually lead to the destruction of our personality. Lilith is not capable of bringing us happiness, as she is not able to trigger real-life events as the real planets do; her impact is exerted on the psyche, on our passions and on the deepest of our desires. The Black Moon generates an astral vortex that arouse emotions and strong desires, blurring awareness and preventing us from controlling or regulating its influence.
The position of Lilith in our horoscope also shows what type of people, amongst those we meet on our path, will play provocative roles in our lives, or even be our enemies. All these roles are meant to help us in our evolution, which is why it is much better not to hold grudges against the people who have to play them. They are imposed to them in spite of their own will and it is better for us to focus on the negative manifestations of Lilith in our own psyche as well as on its effects on our own behavior, according to her position in our horoscope. If these negative events are understood and if the necessary efforts are made, no further provocation will frighten us. Lilith is also associated with the worst human sin, suicide, which is probably the extreme consequence of all passions when they are pursued relentlessly. But the choice still belongs to the individual, and Lilith is powerless against the will of a person who sees her for what she is and decides to oppose her.
Lilith in Aries

06.08.1931 – 02.05.1932 31.10.1975 – 26.07.1976
11.06.1940 – 07.03.1941 05.09.1984 – 31.05.1985
16.04.1949 – 11.01.1950 11.07.1993 – 06.04.1994
19.02.1958 – 16.11.1958 17.05.2002 – 09.02.2003
26.12.1966 – 21.09.1967 23.03.2011 – 16.12.2011
The person feels that she is a pioneer in everything she does and asserts her personality at the expense of others. She can be aggressive when people defined by her as passive do not wish to follow her ”generous and unselfish” impulses, even though she is in fact making sure not to let anyone get ahead of her, putting her own priorities forward. The person can go as far as to step on the heads of others and crush those who stand in her way. Her behavior is unpredictable and she believes everything to be allowed to her. She may have excessive activity, a strong sensuality and show cruelty as well as a tendency to be excessively demonstrative. The provocative roles are played by employees and male peers.
The inferior level
The person maintains a cult of brute force, arrogance and rudeness, and she may experience an unhealthy attraction to fire, iron and sharp objects. She can feel a connection with the underworld and with criminal matters. This is the karma of a killer, of a warrior or a butcher, someone who in a previous life violated God’s command and killed for the sake of it, not strictly at war or in the name of duty. In the actual incarnation, the person is a slave of her destructive instincts and uses people for her own purposes, through energetical attacks and vampirism. Common features in this type of individual are also sudden outbursts, egocentrism, sadism, bloodthirst and uncontrolled sexual urges.
The intermediate level
The person herself may become the victim of violence or even of a murder. She may be the victim of a fire that injures her or destroys her property, or be the victim of a mugging. Everyone is rude and impolite with her, she has a lot of open enemies and opponents and she often experiences acute crisis and faces major obstacles. In past lives, the person has abused of her power, was too ambitious, rude, cruel and unscrupulous in the means she used to reach her objectives. In the present incarnation, she can be pursued by panic, idée fixe or by the fear of getting killed. The person may experience a painful attraction to sharp objects, fire and guns, all things she should rather be trying to avoid. The same can be said about hyperactivity, impulsiveness and a tendency to impose pressure on those who surround her. One should not succumb to provocation or respond to evil with evil.
The superior level
Deep inside herself, the person is brave and unbreakable. This is because she immediately recognizes open and violent manifestations of evil, impoliteness and rudeness and struggles deliberately against them. In past lives, the person overcame her destructive tendencies, her hatred for her enemies, and she went out victorious in the fight against evil. She has certainly demonstrated heroism, and might even have been killed defending a just cause. Now her mission is to re-educate murderers and rapists and show them the path to enlightenment. At this level, the person won the oratory skills, the ability to inspire others to great deeds.
“Thou shalt not kill,” but will cultivate fearlessness.”
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Lilith in Leo

19.07.1934 – 14.04.1935 12.10.1978 – 08.07.1979
24.05.1943 – 18.02.1944 18.08.1987 – 13.05.1988
28.03.1952 – 23.12.1952 23.06.1996 – 18.03.1997
31.01.1961 – 28.10.1961 29.04.2005 – 21.01.2006
07.12.1969 – 02.09.1970 04.03.2014 – 27.11.2014
The person enjoys giving praise to the object of her love and the fruits of her labor, but she requires a similar attitude towards her from people for whom she does not feel a strong passion. She behaves like a narcissistic poseur, self-centered and ambitious, abusing her power, an attitude that emanates from an exaggerated sense of the importance of her presence in the world. The person may also boast, show arrogance and have a tendency to take too much on herself. She is possessed by a frequent desire to give lessons and does not like children. She tends to play the game of the love slave or to impose this role on her partner.
The provocative roles are played by brilliant and remarkable people, perhaps children.
The inferior level
The person is possessed by vanity and excessive pride, she is jealous and takes revenge on all those who are talented. She behaves like an impostor, an upstart and uses sex, Eros, for malicious purposes. This is the karma of a gambler, a party animal, a Don Juan, a pimp, a molester or a child killer. In a previous life, the person may have abused some great power she had, such as a hierarchical position without equal, could have hurt her loved ones, or, more simply, was self-centered, exuberant or buried her talent. She could have been the keeper of a brothel or of a drug den. In this life, the person is attracted to debauchery, prostitution, pornography, gambling and to the vandalism of artworks.
The intermediate level
The person is the one enduring misfortunes at the hands of powerful people and treacherous and vengeful enemies. Her punishment can be infertility or sufferings associated with romantic failures. If she is talented, some parvenus with wounded vanity get jealous and take revenge on her. In a previous life, the person has abused her authority, was too egocentric and was using her talents at the detriment of others. Perhaps was she unfair to children or has she abandoned her own child. In her current incarnation, she may have conflicts with her own children, or children in general may mock her. Her entourage and the events in general will cast a shadow on her reputation. Dangers for her come from fire, weapons, sunburn, a stroke, and she runs a great risk of getting ridiculed and to incur public shame. One must not suffer from unrequited love, but should take more care of the education of children without expecting any specific gratitude from them.
The superior level
At this level, the person perceives the manifestations of evil in the arts and entertainment industry. She harmonizes her relationship with children and feels no gnawing envy towards celebrities, people in power or those receiving honors. The person wages an uncompromising war against vulgarity and pornography, protecting the young from the harmful effects of civilization and from empty sensual entertainments. The person consciously purifies love from covetousness, exercises enlightened creativity and takes responsibility for her children, for her creations and for her love. At this level, the person acquires excellent acting skills, allowing her to easily turn the heads of strangers and to charm them.
Lilith in Sagittarius

30.06.1937 – 27.03.1938 24.09.1981 – 20.06.1982
05.05.1946 – 30.01.1947 30.07.1990 – 25.04.1991
10.03.1955 – 05.12.1955 05.06.1999 – 28.02.2000
14.01.1964 – 09.10.1964 10.04.2008 – 03.01.2009
18.11.1972 – 14.08.1973 14.02.2017 – 08.11.2017
In the person’s opinion, the whole world is only waiting to kneel before her greatness and only aspires to receive spiritual food from her hands. Being absolutely certain of her huge organizational skills and of her infallible authority, such a person believes that she simply cannot make mistakes, because mistakes are the lot of mortals, not gods. She tends to oppress those who oppose her authority or threaten her sphere of influence. The person may be unpredictable, rapacious, she may have a penchant for shocking behaviors as well as for adventurism and conspiracies involving a large number of people. She claims the role of a leader, of a Grand Master and of a Messiah and easily falls into megalomania.
The provocative roles are played by false ideological and religious leaders, as well as by experimentalists and originals.
The inferior level
The person has a huge ego, a lot of vanity and great ambitions. She aspires to power and luxury at all costs and is an active consumer who aims at winning it all. This is the karma of a great adventurer, a false prophet, an ideological saboteur or an imposture of a teacher, who took merits for the achievements of others. In a previous life, the person could have been a politician, a scientist or a religious leader who used his influence with malicious intents. In this life, she is easily convinced by ideological propaganda and tends to mislead other people herself, by preaching false doctrines. She also has a tendency for contempt, often exhibits the attitude of a braggart and will be prompt to attribute her own weaknesses to others. She will justify her own acts at all costs and will repress those under her influence.
The intermediate level
The person herself may become a victim of false teachers, be manipulated by ideological propaganda or lose her authority through blindness or hubris. She may suffer from the oscillations typical of a Hamlet personality type or be quite exasperated when faith seems to be offering her something, only to end up divesting it from her. In a previous life, the person has abused her powers and position, using them for unworthy and selfish purposes. She was too proud, was disrespectful with people or followed false teachings. In this life, she constantly is suffering persecution and injustice from governmental and religious structures. The problems for her come from foreigners and she faces high risks of accidents during long journeys, as well as from fire. Such a person should not get involved in spreading an ideology: she should content herself with being a follower, a mediator, and refrain from teaching to others, despite the desire she may feel to do so.
The superior level
At this level, the person immediately unmasks false teachers, careerists, unscrupulous politicians and recognizes distortions in spiritual teachings. In a previous life, she got to know the negative side of power, saw the influence of the dark forces in the political and religious structures of society, but she did not succumb to temptations. Now she deliberately exposes heresies, superstitions and lies in politics and ideologies. She fights against corruption and venality in society. At this level, the person acquires the ability to see the current situation very clearly and to come up with the necessary ideas at the proper moment, all this without effort.