Lilith in the Earth Signs

The position of the Black Moon in a birth chart shows the dark side of one’s personality, a side that exists in every person, even if each one manifests it with her own nuances. This is the side of a personality that will inevitably lead the person to her downfall if she feeds it and indulges in it. It contains the temptations lurking at a deep level in our subconscious, as well as our attraction for reprehensible actions, on a moral as well as on an ethically level, all of which that can eventually lead to the destruction of our personality. Lilith is not capable of bringing us happiness, as she is not able to trigger real-life events as the real planets do; her impact is exerted on the psyche, on our passions and on the deepest of our desires. The Black Moon generates an astral vortex that arouse emotions and strong desires, blurring awareness and preventing us from controlling or regulating its influence.
The position of Lilith in our horoscope also shows what type of people, amongst those we meet on our path, will play provocative roles in our lives, or even be our enemies. All these roles are meant to help us in our evolution, which is why it is much better not to hold grudges against the people who have to play them. They are imposed to them in spite of their own will and it is better for us to focus on the negative manifestations of Lilith in our own psyche as well as on its effects on our own behavior, according to her position in our horoscope. If these negative events are understood and if the necessary efforts are made, no further provocation will frighten us. Lilith is also associated with the worst human sin, suicide, which is probably the extreme consequence of all passions when they are pursued relentlessly. But the choice still belongs to the individual, and Lilith is powerless against the will of a person who sees her for what she is and decides to oppose her.
Lilith in Taurus

03.05.1932 – 26.01.1933 27.07.1976 – 23.04.1977
08.03.1941 – 01.12.1941 01.06.1985 – 26.02.1986
12.01.1950 – 07.10.1950 07.04.1994 – 01.01.1995
17.11.1958 – 13.08.1959 10.02.2003 – 07.11.2003
22.09.1967 – 17.06.1968 16.12.2011 – 11.09.2012
A frugal person can become stingy, a gourmand turn into a glutton and a natural desire to earn a living can degenerate into greed. The person is trying to maintain control over everything within her reach and also feels satisfaction when someone is financially dependent of her. She repays her debts with much difficulty and hates her creditors. She shows an excessive attachment to material goods and pleasures as well as a desire to own everything. She has a passionate character, but a tendency towards inertia and laziness.
The provocative roles are played by female counterparts, as well as by persons related to the visual arts and material values.
The inferior level
The person is completely cut off from superior spiritual flows and her consciousness is absorbed by the material. In past lives, she put the material before the spiritual, and as a result is now dominated by a passion for money and wealth and an appetite for unbridled hoarding. This is the karma of a skinflint, a miser or a hoarder, who was perhaps a dishonest banker, an usurer, or an insatiable glutton. The person is under the influence of her carnal instincts, of her lust and morbid jealousy: she wants to try all the pleasures of life. Such a person is ready to silence her own consciousness in order to obtain physical goods, because vices particular to the sign of Taurus do not cause fear or pain, but instead attract one with promises of wealth and pleasures.
The intermediate level
The person may be persecuted by financial difficulties or debts that seem to have no end. All her savings can be wasted or lost in one night. A fear of hunger may also be very present, as well as a poor digestion of food on the physical level, causing ruptures of her energy potential as well as diseases. A great threat can be posed to her by earthquakes and landslides. In past lives, this person attached a great importance to money, was greedy, led a shameful lifestyle, or had feelings which were too exclusively down-to-earth. In this incarnation, she is in a permanent lack of money, she loses what she values the most or she is constantly looking for love and cannot find it because she is also possessive in love. The person must learn to part with material and ephemeral things without regret. She must realize that she is a spiritual creature, and that she receives exactly the amount of wealth that is necessary for her evolution.
The superior level
At this level, the person does not know the fear of poverty at all and she has no debt. She asserts the true spiritual values and feels called to oppose art and culture that promote vulgarity and awaken dark instincts. In previous lives, she realized that luxury and excess impede spiritual development and bind Man to the material. She defeated her sense of possessiveness, refused hoarding and excesses in the diet as well as in the sensual sphere and has acquired immunity against gluttony. At this level, the person acquires the ability to find her advantage in everything she does, to make money out of nothing.
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Lilith in Virgo

15.04.1935 – 09.01.1936 09.07.1979 – 04.04.1980
19.02.1944 – 13.11.1944 14.05.1988 – 07.02.1989
24.12.1952 – 18.09.1953 19.03.1997 – 14.12.1997
29.10.1961 – 25.07.1962 22.01.2006 – 19.10.2006
03.09.1970 – 31.05.1971 28.11.2014 – 24.08.2015
Lilith in Virgo makes a person petty, vindictive and dependent on the powerful people of this world. Such a person manipulates others by playing on their sense of duty and responsibility, aiming to develop or feed a complex of guilt in them. The person is emotionally vulnerable to the impact of conflicts and therefore tries to act properly in every moment and every place, keeping from breaking rules and laws, a strategy which allows her to avoid confrontation and thus to hide the inner storm of emotions that assails her. She also tends to over-indulge in critical self-analysis. She can show greed, a tendency to quarrel, cynicism, callousness, an exaggerated sense of formalities, pedantry and may tend to act like a square. She often plays the role of a white, fragile and innocent creature.
The provocative rolesare played by co-workers as well as managers, foremen or supervisors of all kinds.
The inferior level
The person puts intelligence and information above all. With a cool head, she tries to make others work for her and to fool her superiors. This is the karma of a slave, a lackey, a bootlicker, a parasite, a sadistic doctor or one who killed, thus violating the Hippocratic Oath. In her past life, the person was petty, greedy, quarrelsome, cynical, despised noble feelings and was using her family while depriving them of assistance or support when they needed them. Her present incarnation is characterized by coldness, frigidity or by sexual promiscuity and moral degradation.
The intermediate level
The person is constantly suffering humiliation in the workplace, she is rejected and people let her know how little she matters to them also blaming her without reason and for trifles. She is eternally pursued by health issues and under the constant stress of daily problems that force her to spend her money inefficiently. In a past life, the person lacked dignity, was a stooge, a lackey, tried to get others to solve her problems and did not take the necessary time to reflect on eternal values. In the current incarnation, she has to play secondary roles, others make a fool of her and do not let her live her life in her own way. She is forced to take care of sick people and to perform unpleasant duties. A big risk lies for her in food poisoning, or in the consequences following an earthquake or a subway accident. She also runs the risk of becoming the victim of a medical error, of bureaucratic confusion or to suffer harassment on the place of work. It is necessary to avoid pettiness, not to indulge in hypochondria and not to be afraid that someone might be smarter than us.
The superior level
At this level, the person has a good knowledge of the material side of life, she is a professional with a capital P, and she knows how to optimize her use of modern technologies. She easily recognizes real doctors and real medicine and keeps an excellent health. In her past life, the person got rid of her slave’s origins and became aware of the danger of knowledge and science when devoid of spirituality. Now she fights against everything that makes Man too down-to-earth and ties him to a daily life of banality. She also fights against the tendency of civilization to transform man into no more than a mechanism. At this level, she acquires the gift of noticing the details and nuances that help find a nontrivial solution to any problem.
Lilith in Capricorn

27.03.1938 – 20.12.1938 20.06.1982 – 17.03.1983
30.01.1947 – 26.10.1947 26.04.1991 – 21.01.1992
06.12.1955 – 31.08.1956 29.02.2000 – 25.11.2000
10.10.1964 – 07.07.1965 03.01.2009 – 30.09.2009
15.08.1973 – 12.05.1974 09.11.2017 – 07.08.2018
The person believes that nothing is beyond her capabilities and that she does not need anyone’s help or support. But she does see herself as the master of others’ destiny, convinced that she is that they need her patronage. She feels the need to test her strong character and her power and chooses the most difficult paths to reach her objectives, thus seeking to prove herself how strong her personality really is, as if she had to undergo a divine test and ready to go as far as self-destruction. Coldness, a repressed sensuality, an excessive rationality, an exacerbated spirit of competition and the tendency to achieve her goals through pressure are all possible traits of hers. In a similar way, she may tend to see herself as a Superman.
The provocative roles are played by older men, hierarchical superiors, and possibly by her father.
The inferior level
The person despises joy and gladness, seeks to oppress and humiliate others and can easily get cruel. This is the karma of a tyrant, a despot, a sadist, a cold cynic or of a fanatical ascetic who destroyed the temple of the soul: the physical body. In a previous life, the person was able to climb towards her objectives while disdaining everything else. She might have been machiavellian, treating people like machines and gears, with a fascist mentality. In the current incarnation she sacrifices others to satisfy her desires and aspirations, trying to turn them all into scapegoats. The person is cold inside and nothing affects her. Such a person may seem nice and charming, but deep inside she despises everyone and considers them worthless.
The intermediate level
The person is ran over, humiliated, oppressed and belittled. Others treat her in a ruthless and cynical manner, accusing her of all sins, imaginable and unimaginable. In a previous life, the person shown callousness in her attitude, was cold and calculating and created problems for others, acting on the principle that “all means are good to reach a goal.” In the current incarnation, she may be subject to limitations in all areas, have a cruel boss, become the victim of persecutions and slander and be forced to take the faults of someone else on herself. She knows the feeling of being oppressed by circumstances well and she lives with the impression that fate is unavoidable. She faces a great risk of falling from heights, of being trapped underground or walled. All of her troubles seem to come from her superiors. The person should endure the position of victim which seems to be her lot with humility and preserve her dignity in all circumstances.
The superior level
At this level, the person discerns cruelty in people and recognizes sadists and fascists. In a previous life, she fully understood the mechanism through which evil penetrates the material level and understood the weight of the responsibilities entrusted to her. She persevered in spite of everything and did not crack in the face of fateful events. Now the person can easily find the best ways and means to achieve her objectives, even in the worst situations. Her fate becomes directly linked to that of her race, nation and country when she can consciously accept her sacrifice on the behalf of others, freeing them from the yoke of despair. At this level, the person acquires the ability to conduct any project or task to the end and is not content with just talking, but acts.