Lilith in the Air Signs

The position of the Black Moon in a birth chart shows the dark side of one’s personality, a side that exists in every person, even if each one manifests it with her own nuances. This is the side of a personality that will inevitably lead the person to her downfall if she feeds it and indulges in it. It contains the temptations lurking at a deep level in our subconscious, as well as our attraction for reprehensible actions, on a moral as well as on an ethically level, all of which that can eventually lead to the destruction of our personality. Lilith is not capable of bringing us happiness, as she is not able to trigger real-life events as the real planets do; her impact is exerted on the psyche, on our passions and on the deepest of our desires. The Black Moon generates an astral vortex that arouse emotions and strong desires, blurring awareness and preventing us from controlling or regulating its influence.
The position of Lilith in our horoscope also shows what type of people, amongst those we meet on our path, will play provocative roles in our lives, or even be our enemies. All these roles are meant to help us in our evolution, which is why it is much better not to hold grudges against the people who have to play them. They are imposed to them in spite of their own will and it is better for us to focus on the negative manifestations of Lilith in our own psyche as well as on its effects on our own behavior, according to her position in our horoscope. If these negative events are understood and if the necessary efforts are made, no further provocation will frighten us. Lilith is also associated with the worst human sin, suicide, which is probably the extreme consequence of all passions when they are pursued relentlessly. But the choice still belongs to the individual, and Lilith is powerless against the will of a person who sees her for what she is and decides to oppose her.
Lilith in Gemini

27.01.1933 – 21.10.1933 24.04.1977 – 17.01.1978
03.12.1941 – 26.08.1942 27.02.1986 – 22.11.1986
08.10.1950 – 02.07.1951 02.01.1995 – 29.09.1995
14.08.1959 – 07.05.1960 08.11.2003 – 03.08.2004
18.06.1968 – 13.03.1969 12.09.2012 – 09.06.2013
The person has a voice of God complex, where she considers that everything she says is of great value, that the information she provides is always accurate, and that her advices are always needed and wanted. In her delusion, everybody is hanging to her lips and is just waiting for her to give the opinion that will dot the i’s and solve all problems. She often demonstrates irresponsibility, dishonesty, talkativeness, superficiality, nervousness, and a tendency towards intrigue, lies, gossips and denunciation. She is tempted by intellectual and material theft.
The provocative roles are played by friends, acquaintances, brothers and sisters, students or teachers.
The inferior level
The person steals, slanders, deliberately distorts the truth, corrupts the spiritual teachings, seduces and corrupts others with her words. This is the karma of a thief, a swindler, a gossiper, a plagiarist, a whistleblower or a secret agent. In her previous life, the person could have been a fraudulent trader or a crook. Maybe she disclosed the secrets of others, committed a crime against her own family or was mired in intrigues and pettiness. Such a person can easily spread curses or make verbal magic.
The intermediate level
The person herself is the victim of accusations, gossips, slanders, intrigues and thefts. She is followed by bad luck in entrepreneurship, trade, travels and business trips and is betrayed by her friends, acquaintances, brothers and sisters. In past lives, the person was not quite sincere, authentic and honest: she cheated, and perhaps slandered or stole. Therefore, her greatest temptation is now to obtain things belonging to others, to cheat and to invent stories. She could be attracted to people of her own sex. She faces a big danger of gas poisoning, suffocation or of being the victim of a plane crash. One has to endure the attacks received and avoid getting lost in vain talks.
The superior level
At this level, the person is very difficult to fool because she immediately recognizes thieves and gossipers. She perceives falsehood and lies and does not accept them, because in past lives she learned what were the methods of the dark forces for spreading misinformation and deceit. She consciously fights against slander, unmasking all seducers, cheaters and perverts. At this level, the person acquires the ability to shape the circumstances and turn any situation, even the most unfavorable, to her advantage.
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Lilith in Libra

09.01.1936 – 02.10.1936 05.04.1980 – 29.12.1980
14.11.1944 – 08.08.1945 08.02.1989 – 04.11.1989
19.09.1953 – 13.06.1954 14.12.1997 – 10.09.1998
26.07.1962 – 19.04.1963 20.10.2006 – 16.07.2007
31.05.1971 – 23.02.1972 25.08.2015 – 21.05.2016
The person sincerely believes that to frequent her is in itself a great honor for others. She is possessed by a strong sense of elitism, considering her own feelings as being of a very high value, and that even though she herself can be unreliable and is constantly fluctuating, not having an opinion of her own. Uncertainty, affected manners, duality, the inability to act independently as well as a constant need to sort things out and to judge others are all traits that can be noticed in such a person. Her sensuality can become salacious. This is a person who often acts as if she was a member of high society.
The provocative roles are played by partners and allies.
The inferior level
The person is gifted as a temptress, being able to present the most disgusting thing in the best possible light. To achieve her goals, she takes the path of cheating, uses others and does not hesitate to hide behind one who is stronger than her. This is the karma of a corrupt or unjust judge, a conflict monger, a traitor, a schemer, a deceiver, a person who was emotionally demanding, or a gigolo that lived at the expense of someone else. In a previous life, the person was using other people as well as her status for selfish purposes. She could have been a servant of art forms that valued vices. In the current incarnation, behind an harmonious facade an adventurous and fickle sex life is hiding. Such a person is tempted to take advantage of her connections and to receive bribes. She also has an aptitude for counterfeiting, even though she advocates justice as a front.
The intermediate level
The person has many open enemies and all bad things in her life are exposed publicly and exaggerated to the point of slander. She has tortuous relationships with others and is surrounded by unreliable and cowardly people. She is often plagued by unjust accusations, conflict, slander, and misunderstandings with the people that surround her. In the previous incarnation, the person disturbed public order, betrayed her friends and colleagues, committed fraud, served two opposing camps, slandered or made dubious compromises with morality. In this life, she may suffer from adultery, or her partner and marriage can be a challenge and one of the sources of her troubles. She may be constantly dragged into court, unfairly convicted or even imprisoned. The person must be careful not to suffer injuries on the workplace and not to get electrocuted. There is also a risk of being victim of an aircraft accident. The person must consider the hostility of the outside world as a fact, avoid confrontations with law and be as honest as possible.
The superior level
At this level, the person recognizes the traitors around her and immediately figures out the final outcome of any situation by taking the criteria of justice as a guide. In a previous life, she has seen, behind the curtain, the negative side of life. She has known evil, corruption and the immoral part of society, but she did not succumb herself to the temptations of the outside world. Now the person defends justice, equal rights and opportunities for all. Her mission is to fight for morality, against bureaucracy, against the obsession with paperwork in government and for the improvement of social climate. At this level, the person acquires the ability to listen to multiple ideas and synthesize them in order to form a proposal with multiple facets, one that is to the taste of absolutely everyone.
Lilith in Aquarius

14.02.1930 – 09.11.1930 12.05.1974 – 05.02.1975
21.12.1938 – 14.09.1939 18.03.1983 – 11.12.1983
27.10.1947 – 20.07.1948 21.01.1992 – 16.10.1992
01.09.1956 – 26.05.1957 26.11.2000 – 22.08.2001
07.07.1965 – 01.04.1966 01.10.2009 – 27.06.2010
The person aspires to total and absolute freedom, ignoring and disregarding real circumstances, any prohibition having for her the effect of a red cape waved before a bull. Her sensuality manifests in an anarchic way. She is in a constant search for something new, unusual, stirring and has a strong need to smash everything and to put everything upside down, starting with formalities. She shows irresponsibility, carelessness and lack of reliability, she loses her sense of proportions and tends to exaggerate her own importance and authority. She deliberately ignores the principles of morality and betrays her friends. This is a person who likes to plays the role of a dissident.
The provocative roles are played by friends and influential sponsors.
The inferior level
The person has perverse tastes and is tempted to create shocking situations that allow her to take advantage of the confusion of people to achieve her own ends. She wants to find freedom by all means, even by depriving others of their own freedom. This is the karma of an anarchist, an adventurer, a trickster, a traitor in friendship or a reformer who brought chaos. In the previous incarnation, the person was an evil genius, had a devilish ingenuity, used friendship for personal gain and manipulated the consciousness of whole groups to make them her puppets. Now she continues to use her unusual talents for evil purposes. Such a person is tempted by perverse experiments, by emancipation in vice as well as by nudism and aspires to total freedom in love.
The intermediate level
The person regularly finds herself in unexpected and stressful situations. She can be the victim of betrayal from friends or colleagues, be involved in risky gambling or be deprived of her liberty, incarcerated. She is constantly tormented by loneliness and boredom. In a previous life, the person went beyond what was allowed, brought chaos in people’s lives and preached permissiveness and adventurism. Perhaps was she using astrology for ignoble purposes. In this life, she sees all her plans fail, including her attempts to be or to become free, and everything happens to her at inappropriate times. It is also difficult for her to contemplate future perspectives. She must be wary of unreliable people, charlatans and speculators and abstain from borrowing or lending money. There is a risk of electric shock, of being struck by lightning or of being the victim of a plane crash.
The superior level
At this level, the person immediately recognizes unreliable people, knows how to use living water and dead water and has a brilliant ability to renew and transform chaos. In past lives, the person understood what harm negligence can cause to humanity and nature, and was aware of the danger of scientific activity and politics when they lack an ecological consciousness, in the context of modern civilization. Now she avoids stress and nervous overload, uses astrology and the progress of science to fight evil, the same way she consciously fights against the adverse consequences of the scientific and technological revolution. At this level, the person acquires the ability to draw conclusions about the future based on the present and to live in advance of her time.