Birth Chart Analysis
In the work they do on themselves, human beings have access to a powerful tool, namely their unique birth horoscope. It is a decoding of their latest incarnation, a symbolic graphic that accurately determines which personality traits the person must assess, understand and develop, what life will teach her and in which areas of experience and in what conditions will life force her to correct herself through an infinite repetition of lessons.
From the moment of birth to the moment of death, human beings are subjected to the rhythmic influence of the 10 planets of the Solar system, symbolizing the traits of their inner essence that they need to develop in their current incarnation. At the same time, our earthly life is conditionally divided into 12 spheres of experience through which all people go, and which correspond to the 12 astrological houses of the horoscope. The houses overlap with the signs of the Zodiac and the planets are situated, at any moment, in a House as well as in a Sign.
The position of the planets in the signs and the houses has a triple meaning:
The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac will determine the personality traits that have to be developed, perfectioned and overcome. The quality of the aspects between the planets will determine the conditions – the easy mode (if there are harmonious aspects) or the austere mode (if there are negative aspects) – in which a person will have to go through the lessons of life, and what will be the marked tendency of her harmonious or conflictual contacts with her environment.
The position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope and the aspects between them will determine in which specific spheres of life the person will be brought to develop and to improve the aspects of her inner essence, according to the program of her current incarnation. The presence of harmonious and disharmonious aspects between the planets will, again, determine the conditions, be they peaceful or conflictual, under which the person will be brought to go through the spheres of life experiences.
The real energy of a planet of the Solar system periodically affects the inner world of a person, namely during the transit movement, by enhancing the expression of her attributes or by weakening them. The transits of planets are what activate the situations in which the individual manifests his character traits and learns life’s lessons. It is important to track the transits of the planets at the natal positions in order to be ready for an energetic background in specific periods of time.
Let it be precised that the presence of negative aspects between the planets will not determine the choices of a person and her patterns of behavior, but will rather indicate the nature of what she’ll have to learn. The position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope does not indicate automatic victories or failures for the individual, but rather describe in which spheres of his life the events will seem to abound that will come and meet his needs for evolution, according to his evolutional program. If the individual does not understand the meaning of the lessons in this incarnation, he will be forced to go through the same lessons in his next incarnation. At the end of each incarnation, the memory of past lives remains in the subconscious, as well as the karmic ties that were formed and that the individual will need to work out later.
So, basically our incarnation presents each of us with two main tasks: the karmic problems of atonement, reflected by the retrograde planets and the fictitious astrological objects — the Lunar Nodes, Lilith, Selena (see the Karmic Program service) — and the global task of the evolution of the personality, as described by The Birth Chart Analysis service. The perspectives of completion for these tasks are unique and particular to each of us. But the experiences of life only become truly beneficial if we combine a conscious understanding of the necessity of a particular experience with the deliberate control of our manifestations. Otherwise, if we leave one without the other, the experience will remain meaningless.
As a part of the Birth Chart Analysis service, I will describe the position of the planets according to their symbolism in the signs of the Zodiac.

The Sun represents the consciousness, the will, strength, determination, vitality, the conscious awareness of one’s personality and individuality, where and how we want to be a star, our motivations for self-expression, and finally the specific task of our present incarnation.

The Moon symbolizes the subconscious behaviours the person has acquired in her previous incarnation as well as the way she expresses the three basic instincts, the way she shows her emotions, uses her intuition and the ability to adapt to any situation.

Mercury defines a person’s ability to assess the world, her own behavior and that of others consciously, logically and rationally; the type of thoughts occupying her mind, her speech, her ability to express her thoughts, to justify her desires, to persuade her fellows.

Venus embodies the inner harmony of the person in the context of any social relationship and any partnership, be it in love or in business, hence the possibility and the need she has to see beauty (ethics & esthetics) as well as her capacity for love. It also represents her attitude towards art and material forms and values.

Mars represents the will, the energy, the way the person expresses her desires, the way she acts and manifests her personal initiative, the way she reaches her objectives; her desire for leadership, for management, for direction, hence the degree of her influence on others.

Jupiter (social planet) symbolizes the higher laws and the socio-political life, hence the ethical and moral values of the person, her integrity, her ideals and her world vision, as well as her attitude toward religion; her need for recognition and the area of life as well as the measure in which she is going to experience success and expansion in her activities.

Saturn (social planet) represents discipline, responsibility and supreme ambition; areas in which the person may experience difficulties, obstacles and limitations, and how she will show maturity in overcoming them; up to which point the sense of duty is developed in her, and how she aspires to occupy a stable social situation.

Uranus (slow planet) represents the destruction of stability, the inspiration for new things, connection with the Supreme Being, the ability for sudden intuitive illumination, and hence the potential of the person for the manifestation of her individuality and for freedom. It also indicates in which areas of life she may encounter unexpected and unusual events.

Neptune (slow planet) symbolizes supreme spirituality, creativity and inspiration, but also illusions and self-deception, hence, as a consequence, increased sensitivity and extrasensory abilities. The planet also governs the way a person shows love towards all living things, towards nature, and how she uses her creative imagination.

Pluto (slow planet) symbolizes the creative power of the Absolute, the supreme collective will, the supreme consciousness and the superpowers, hence the desire and the potential of the individual for renewal and for the manifestation of latent capabilities, especially for extrasensory perception, healing, magic and telekinesis.
The Process of Analysis
The analysis of your birth horoscope, in the form of diagrams representing various parameters of the chart, renders clearly all the facets of an individual as represented by: the dominant hemispheres (northern / southern, eastern / western), the decans, the quadrants, the elements, the modalities and the highlighted and the synthetic signs.

The highlighted sign of the birth chart is calculated on the basis of the position of the 10 planets, the 4 fictitious astrological objects and the asteroid Chiron in the signs of the Zodiac. A certain score is assigned to each element, in function of the importance of the element, descending from the Sun to Chiron. In the following example, the person has two highlighted signs: Taurus (3.4 points) and Virgo (4.00 points). The synthetic sign of the birth chart is calculated on the basis of the position of the 10 planets, the 4 fictitious astrological objects and the asteroid Chiron in the hemispheres, the elements, the crosses, the decans and the quadrants of the horoscope, the dominant element and the dominant modality determining the synthetic sign, which is Virgo in the following example (earth element, mutable cross). The cycles of the planets ruling the highlighted and synthetic signs of the birth horoscope guide the main cycles in the life of the individual, the pulse of his destiny.
What You Get
The analysis of your birth horoscope in form of written resume or of audio recording (upon your choice). I also provide you with various documents such as the screen shot of your chart and diagrams representing various parameters of the chart which render clearly all the facets of an individual as represented by: the dominant hemispheres (northern / southern, eastern / western), the decans, the quadrants, the elements, the modalities and the highlighted and the synthetic signs.
- synthetic and highlighted signs
- the Rising sign (the Ascendant)
- planets in signs
- planetary aspects
- planets in houses
- the Lunar Nodes in signs and houses
- x
- x
- x
- synthetic and highlighted signs
- the Rising sign (the Ascendant) and position of its ruler in a house
- planets in signs
- planetary aspects
- planets in houses
- the Lunar Nodes in signs and houses
- position of the ruler of each house in a house
- Chiron in sign and house
- Lilith in sign and house
The adjustment or the rectification of the time of birth is an independent and a mandatory service. If you have your time of birth on a certificate from the hospital, I make the necessary adjustments and verification of the astrological time of birth anyways, for the reasons stated in the description of the service. In the absence of any inscription of the time of birth, the procedure takes a long time and requires complex calculations.